Sunday, March 25, 2012

Holy crap, I forgot my own medicine.

So I haven't written in a while. There are several reasons for that; A) My computer decided to call it quits, B) My best friend came to visit from out of state, and C) I have just been in a bummer mood and didn't want to write anything negative. There are other reasons, but they really aren't important.

What is important is remembering medicine. I don't mean pharmaceuticals. I haven't been taking my own "medicine."

What I have come to terms to recently is that certain things, as minuscule as they may be, can contribute a great amount to attitudes, moods, and feelings. This is an epiphany I have realized many times before, and have forgotten many times before.

It's that thing that can reverse your bad mood in a split second, and you don't even mean it to. That thing that just happens to make everything better, even if just for a temporal moment.

Tonight, I was given a dose of my old medicine. I went to the bar for a single drink, in a crappy mood, and planned to leave as soon as it was done. And I did just that; I went in a bad mood and had one drink, and then just before I left, the bartender did something awesome. He put on some Iron Maiden. It was like a switch in me, I went from bad to good just like *snap* that.

It was like I was reminded of the things I love the most. I love heavy metal, but I haven't recently been listening to it. And maybe, JUST MAYBE, that has been one of the reasons for me being bummed out; forgetting the things I like the most.

Either way, I have a few beers in me, and I have a mix of Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Saxon, Tank, Diamond Head, and more playing, and I really doubt it's the beers that are making the difference. (If you know me, you know.)

Tonight, my medicine was listening to the music I always loved but had neglected for a while. It truly helped me feel better. Tomorrow, maybe my medicine will be something else. I might even bake the cookie recipe I have been wanting to try out, and that might be my medicine for the day. I haven't been baking recently either. I haven't even been painting! It comes in different forms, you know. But I have what I need for now.

I dare anyone, everyone, to backtrack to the last time you were excited about something. Something that doesn't correlate to another person. A reason you were happy on your own and why. Not because of a job, or a new apartment, or a date. Like the last time you really got excited by yourself. Was it discovering a new band? Was it finding a new place to eat that suited your dietary needs? Was it finding that album that you haven't been necessarily looking for, but were super stoked on finding by chance? Feel that again.

Feel this again!


  1. I get totally stoked when I discover a new band. First it's the music and then hunting up any videos that might exist to go along with it. Great way to to unwind and get fired up at the same time.
